
Jan 29, 2024

Digital SAT scoring explained

Like the paper-pencil test, the College Board maintains the score range for the Digital SAT, with an overall minimum of 400 and a maximum of 1600. Each individual section has a minimum score of 200 and a maximum of 800.

The Digital SAT is section adaptive, meaning that if a student excels in the first Math section, the difficulty of the next Math section increases; conversely, if performance is lacking, the difficulty decreases. The same principle applies to the Reading and Writing section.

Success in both the first and second sections leads to a higher score, while poor performance in either results in a score decrease. The adaptability of the test promotes confidence-building. Achieving a perfect score doesn't require answering every question correctly; one or two mistakes are acceptable.

When we describe a section as being of a difficult level, it does not mean that all the questions are hard. A higher number of hard questions are mixed with some easy and some medium questions.

Conclusion: The Digital SAT, mirroring its paper-pencil counterpart, maintains a consistent scoring range, and its section-adaptive nature tailors difficulty based on individual performance. Success in both Math and English sections leads to higher scores, fostering confidence, and it's reassuring to note that achieving perfection doesn't demand answering every question correctly, allowing for a margin of error. If you want to receive a complete score report with useful analysis, I recommend you to book a free digital SAT mock test by clicking here and experience the test yourself. 

By: Karthik Sunkara, Sr Quant Trainer

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